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Healing my thyroid,
healing my life

At the age of 34, my life changed for what I now know, the better. Ever since coming out of a job with a burnout, I jumped on a personal healing train. A self-building train. I wanted to build myself up physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I can proudly say: this is exactly what happened!

The icing on the cake that came with it: a functioning thyroid.

I was born with a condition called congenital hypothyroidism (CHT), a condition resulting from an absent or underdeveloped thyroid gland from birth. This means it isn’t producing enough thyroid hormones (or none at all) in order to meet the body’s needs. According to medical communities, this is incurable and means taking medication your entire life.

What does the thyroid gland do?

Physically small, but of great importance, this butterfly-shaped gland produces the hormones that regulate the body’s metabolic rate, and controls heart, muscle and digestive function, brain development and bone maintenance. At the spiritual level, the thyroid is about allowing yourself to express freely and creatively, and standing up for yourself. Voicing your truth.


Can you imagine what is going on when it’s not working (properly)? You won’t be able to follow your soul’s path, express yourself, and do what you love to do. Tasting the sweetness of life! Then what happens? You unavoidably get stuck in situations that don’t serve you. 

A big shift

While it is generally accepted that psychological complaints can cause physical complaints, it can also be the other way around. For example, when someone is carrying a lot of heavy metals in their brain, this can cause anxiety because they short-circuit electrical impulses. 

This information came to me through the books of Anthony William. With great compassion he writes about chronic illness and the answers to it. Reading about the experiences of thousands of others, it was as if I was reading my own story. His core message: your body has the incredible power to heal, if given the right tools. When you provide it with the right foods – mostly fresh fruits and vegetables, and supplements – it will gratefully accept and start working for you. I was deeply touched by his writing, holding so much truth for me that I knew I had found something valuable.
Within me, too, there was a deep inner knowing it wasn’t all in my head – these symptoms were in fact partly physical and they could be healed. And now, I was reading it! From now on, physical healing would work in tandem with the mental, emotional and spiritual healing modalities I was already working with.

Approach to healing

Sharing all of William’s insights would be too comprehensive for this article, but here are the main guidelines I followed:

  • Full focus on fresh fruits and vegetables. While there is nothing wrong with eating grains or legumes, I stopped eating them for the time being. What my body truly needed at this time were fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs, preferably organic, and supplements, with as many vitamines, minerals, and other restoring elements as possible.
  • Eliminating animal products, additives, and processed foods completely.
    Also here, while there is nothing wrong with a piece of grass-fed beef or certain pre-made foods, it’s not what my body needed at this point.
  • Liver care. Why the liver? This organ is more important than we know. It is key to healing any other condition we face. As soon as the liver is freed up from poisons, viruses, bacteria, and toxins it has taken on from many years, your body will be able to support whichever organ or gland needs to be healed.

Getting my thyroid off the couch

While applying this in combination with other healing modalities, I took a blood test to check the thyroid hormone levels in my blood. As it turned out, my thyroid gland didn’t seem to be producing any hormones at all. It needed help getting off the couch!

My general practitioner prescribed a homeopathic remedy to give it the gentle push that it needed in order to start functioning independently. Six weeks later, in came blood test results. There it was: a big, shining thyroid value. My thyroid had started to produce its own hormones! My gratitude though, was unmeasurable.

Looking back

This was an incredibly valuable experience, for which I feel deeply grateful. The burn-out wasn’t just simply something to overcome. I took it as a signal that my life had gotten off track. It taught me to follow my path, trust my intuition, and to keep walking, even when no results are showing (yet).

My advice to you

By writing my experiences down here, I hope to inspire others who are suffering similar symptoms and/or experiences as mine. Healing was possible for me and is for you. My advice to you as a reader who may relate to this story is to keep walking. Feel into what’s right for you. For me, this meant combining the above with multiple healing modalities.  Everyone is different. Whatever suits you personally: with self-compassion, determination and patience, your time will come.


Written: mid-2021