Buenos Aires has been my city of residence for three months now. It took me two of those months to find out one very important thing about this city, and by writing this I am making sure the same thing won’t happen to you.
In Buenos Aires, pretty much everything can be delivered.
– Yes.
Even ice cream?
– Even ice cream.
A while ago my roommate and I were sitting in the kitchen. She asked: “I’m going to order some helado. Do you want something?” Imagine my surprise as in my home country (Holland) this isn´t possible, and I never considered it to be a real thing. Also, back home I hardly order anything. As my eating habits are slightly different (= less healthy) overhere, vasos of ice cream were added to my list of things I like to order. Oh, yes, that’s another thing típico about Buenos Aires ice cream: they come in vasos.
Back to the kitchen. Did I want to order ice cream? Obvio.
So… How to get the goods?
If picking up the phone and having a conversation in Spanish is a bit too much of a challenge, here’s what to do:
• Go to one of the delivery sites. For example: buenosairesdelivery.com. Sign up. This takes about three minutes.
• Select flavors, add them to your cart (‘agregar’).
• Check your e-mail for the confirmation. Sometimes you will get a message from buenosairesdelivery, saying that they didn´t receive a response to your order, and you’ll have to order again. This has never happened to me up until now.
In 30-45 minutes, a guy on a tiny moped will ring your doorbell and deliver your vaso with ice cream.
Written by: Kim
Wist je dat…
Wat de porteños (inwoners van Buenos Aires) een vaso noemen – letterlijke vertaling: drinkglas – nog het meest lijkt op een piepschuimen bak (zie foto)? Het woord lijkt uit het Italiaans te komen, waar het ‘vaas’ betekent. Argentijns-Spaans heeft vanwege massale immigratie vanuit Italië veel Italiaanse woorden geadopteerd. Vasos van meerdere liters voor het hele huis waren bij ons overigens geen uitzondering…